China has 6000000 super rich - 50% of assets for cash and deposits-柴棺龜

issued according to the Hu Run Institute "2012 Chinese high net worth individuals consume demand white paper" (hereinafter referred to as the "white paper") shows, China's current high net worth individuals (personal assets of 6000000 yuan of above) has reached 2700000. But the data also show, Chinese high net worth individuals asset allocation is not reasonable, from 2009 to 2011 there were more than 50% of its assets in cash and deposits in the form of configuration.

China 2008-2011 high net worth individuals quantity and the structure of

■ new express reporter Zhang Xiao Intern Luo Yudong

existing asset allocation easily eroded by inflation

according to "white paper" show, China more than 6000000 yuan in personal assets of high net worth individuals, at present up to 2700000 people, average age is 39 years old, among them, hundreds of millions of assets above the crowd of about 63500 people, average age is 41 years old. The most Beijing the total number of high net worth individuals; industry distribution in enterprises, real estate, occupation investors and jinling. High net worth individuals have natural wealth accumulation path, in the face of increasingly complex economic and financial situation, it is more and more professional advice and products, their wealth management demand has entered a rapid period of the outbreak.

"from 2009 to 2011, the population of high net worth more than 50% of its assets in cash and deposits in the form of configuration, real estate and stock fund allocation ratio is relatively high, but with the trust, private equity funds, private equity, insurance, bonds and other categories of configuration ratio less than 30%." Rhine wealth research department director, macroeconomic analyst Sun Xiang analysis, this configuration is not suitable for the characteristics of macro economy and the development of the industry over the past few years. "Especially in the asset allocation to cash deposits, real estate and stock fund, which in the past inflation remains high, the stock and property markets are down domestic market is extremely unfavorable."

type balanced asset allocation recommendations in figure

Asset allocation framework

reasonable figure

recovery trough main configuration of fixed income products

"simply from the value perspective, is to let the assets in the asset value has been rising stage." In the face of misunderstanding of high net worth individuals wealth allocation, Sun Xiang suggested in the short, middle and late period of the layout point of view.

"now in the recovery of low,LV新款 33彩系列包包, many uncertain factors, asset volatility. Therefore, the short-term (1 years) configured to fixed income kind give priority to, risk assets to counter cyclical asset. To enter recovery and prosperity stage, therefore, medium term (2-3 years) should actively layout capital equity. Until the late (after 5 years): the boom note overheating,China has 6000000 super rich - 50% of assets for cash and deposits, actively adjust the asset allocation, restructuring."

Sun Xiang think, the current allocation strategy should be broadly, increase in fixed income assets investment proportion. "The three quarter may be concerned about securities and securities related structured products, of course,LV新款 33彩系列包包, can also be random overweight, and moderate cash, >


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